Some other minor bugfixes I don't think it's time you tackle the file fragmentation issue with wwt on windows. Joined the OS X and Windows code, so now (and as long as I have tried) it works ok in both systems. Solved some problem with directory and naming issues (spaces, semicolons and interrogation in names) like 'Legend of Zelda : Twi.'. Added support for proxies (http proxies with/without authentication), as is the only type of proxy I have access. Solved a problem with the code not running in both OSX and Windows machines. Changed the default open dialog to be more os x friendly. Added a log to monitor errors (outputs log.exe in the program folder). Removed the requirement of the game being into a folder. Solved a problem with incompatibility with older versions of java (now is 1.5 compliant). Fixed problem with opening folder in windows. Solved throwed exception when updating list. Replaced spaces in folder names with '_' for better support in OS X and linux (next release). Updated to Wiimms 0.40 (Support for -sections) I'll solve as soon as I have some time on a Mac later today. On OSX it ask you twice when you select a folder. The sneek folder within the game directory must not exist. I think I've solved most of the problems.